“I already support my local classical music scene by purchasing tickets. Why should I support music that hasn't yet been composed?”
Indeed, presenting new music is risky business. No one can tell the future. What makes Three Essential Elements reliable, though, is our philosophy of presenting audience-friendly new classical music. Our goal is to create and share new music that appeals to trained musicians as well as the general public.
You still love to hear compelling melodies, exciting rhythms, and lush harmonies.
Audiences look forward to experiencing world premieres
You desire music that stretches, but does not break, your connection with the past
You want a musical experience that touches your emotions and reminds you of your humanity
You need music that relates to your deepest feelings
Seasoned, professional composers and performers with one aim: to reinvigorate the classical chamber music scene with exciting new works.
That’s exactly why Three Essential Elements is here.
You already love classical chamber music.
It’s music that lifts you up and touches you deeply.
You can share music that inspires joy and hope while acknowledging our human condition – instead of abandoning musical history and assaulting our ears with unintelligible noise.
ThrEE supports new chamber music that can be appreciated emotionally on first hearing and holds its appeal on the tenth hearing.
Ready to join us?
We Believe …
Audiences should be respected, not neglected. New music should link to the past and point gently to the future – leaving listeners enthusiastic, not bewildered.
New chamber music is more than “a place to experiment”. New music will only survive the test of time if it incorporates basic human characteristics expressed through rhythm, melody, and harmony.
“Accessible” doesn’t mean “easy listening”. Audience-friendly classical music communicates human emotions. It has a touchstone, a starting point, or a port-of-call, so to speak, that we can relate to.
How it works
Here’s a peek at the process we use to present a concert of new music, designed to engage, but not overwhelm.
01 Concert proposal
Concert planning begins when a member of ThrEE initiates a performance proposal including concert details such as location, ensemble, and date.
The proposal also includes funding sources. Funding supports musician rehearsal time and any related travel costs.
02 Composition
When concert details are established and the funding needs threshold is reached, composers go to work.
Composers agree to create new works for world premiere performances by professional ensembles. Composers maintain copyright on their work.
03 Rehearsal
As composers complete their compositions, the ensemble begins rehearsing. Working with the composers, ensembles fine-tune the newly composed music.
Funding through ThrEE covers rehearsal fees. The ensemble adds new works to their concert repertoire.
04 Performance
After many hours of rehearsal and refinement, a concert performance is announced to the public and a full concert of world premiere classical music is performed. When funded, concert recordings are created, shared electronically, and archived for posterity.
05 Post-concert reception
Audiences love to meet composers and performers at concerts – it is a rare and delightful experience. When possible, composers will attend their premieres. Meeting you and other audience members will be a pleasure for all involved.
Support ThrEE
Anyone can support ThrEE’s live concert performances by organizing and hosting concerts, providing a venue, or donating to ThrEE’s performance fund. Donors receive intimate composition and rehearsal updates, private recordings, concert tickets and other benefits.
When the concert is over …
You won’t just have new classical music that…
Audiences love
Musicians respect
Composers take pride in
… You’ll have an experience that touches you on a personal level, rejuvenates classical music, and grows our worldwide network of listeners, performers, and composers.
Got burning questions?
Q — Who are the composers in ThrEE?
Composers who join ThrEE love to compose new classical music. They are acutely aware that balanced participation of composers, performers and listeners is required for classical music to thrive.
Q — Who are the performers in ThrEE?
ThrEE performer members are instrumentalists and singers who come from around the world. All performers have exceptional performing skills, love new classical music, and wish to share new works with appreciative listeners.
Q — Where are the ensembles located?
ThrEE seeks to partner with performing musicians from around the world. We currently have Performer members from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Germany. Our goal is to grow our affiliations with performers worldwide.
Q — Can I hear samples of your music?
Excerpts of member recordings are available throughout this website. We would be happy to share links to publicly available music online. Please do contact us and share your interest in hearing more of our music.
Q — I love classical music. How can I help share new classical music?
We want to hear from you! Let us know that you support presenting new audience-friendly classical music.
Join our Friends List.
Organize concerts in your area.
Help us with our website.
Share our organization with your friends
Support rehearsals and performances by making a donation. See our Donation page for details.
Q — How much does a live, new music concert cost?
ThrEE supports the performance and recording of new music. Travel, venue, and recording costs are location specific and range widely depending on circumstances. Rehearsal time is the primary expense of presenting a full concert of new music. Donations to ThrEE allow an honorarium for each musician to prepare a full-length concert of world premieres.
Our perfect partners are …
Listeners who want to share a live concert experience of new classical music.
Ensembles that want to grow the audience for new classical music
Composers who are enthusiastic about tonality and innovation.